Celebrations happen throughout the year. Here at SAS, we like to celebrate our users.
The global Circle of Excellence program was started a little over a year ago to achieve this goal. We have been getting stories from you guys and posting them. Well, a new group for 2013 has just been added to our gallery, and we want to celebrate them.
Using SAS software for over 30 years seems like a daunting task, but for users like Thomas Burgan, Martin Porter and Charles Patridge, it’s given them joy and excitement. They have had the opportunity to attend many different Users Group meetings ranging from SUGI to WUSS.
You don’t have to be using the software for 30+ years to get involved in this program. Just ask Nancy Brucken, Mitchell Brahin, Kurt Klee or Angelo Tinazzi. All of these users have been using SAS for 20+ years. They each have a great story to share.
One special user we would like to recognize in this post is Terence Fitz-Simons. He has been using SAS software for over 40 years. He offers this tidbit of advice when asked if he could point a new SAS user to one resource, what would it be? – “An easily accessible guru at first”.
To learn more about other great users or to tell us your story, visit the SAS Circle of Excellence page.