SAS Global Forum registration now OPEN!

Second snowfall of the season - November 2, 2011. Photo by ssstiefer.

Winter is still 6 weeks away, but already parts of the US are under feet, that’s right FEET, of snow. All of the reports I have read say that there is no correlation between this early activity and how brutal the winter will be. I wonder if there is any correlation between the early storms and how long into spring it will go.

I, for one, don’t want to wait until that furry little creature with absolutely no meteorological experience tells me what to expect. I am telling all the SAS users I can to visit the Sunshine State April 22-25, 2012 for the biggest gathering of SAS users from around the world.

I mean what’s better then guaranteed statistics, sunshine and Snow White ... or the lack thereof!

Registration is now open!


About Author

Sara Jones, CMP

Project Manager

Events Project Manager at SAS working with users groups such as NESUG, WUSS, and others.

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