SAS experts are gearing up to share knowledge, expertise and insights at SAS Global Forum 2012
In the last two months alone, we have launched SAS 9.3, created a think tank on healthcare analytics, hired a Chief Medical Officer, released a new version of Curriculum Pathways and offered flashcards for Apple devices, just to name a few. With all that goes on around SAS, maybe we should add sleeping rooms for employees to Building C (the beautiful new Executive Briefing Center opened this year on SAS Campus).
So you can see that SAS employees have insight into cool features, future releases and trends in the industry. As technology experts, they have amazing ideas on new, innovative ways of using SAS. At SAS Global Forum 2012, they'll be sharing their knowledge, expertise and insider's view with you - the customer and user of SAS software. Each year, SAS employee papers and presentations account for nearly 100 of the more than 400 presentations offered during the three-day event.
Registration is right around the corner. Don't miss your opportunity to learn from these SAS experts and from your peers who will be attending from around the globe. It is great experience for us all.
Keep checking the website for the registration open date, and join us in Orlando during April 22-25.