News from Gold Sponsor Red Hat


SAS Global Forum appreciates the support of its sponsors. I asked a Red Hat representative some questions so that we could get to know this valued Gold sponsor better.

1. What initiatives or goals are you trying to achieve by partnering with SAS?

To help SAS and its customers exploit the compelling value proposition for modernizing their IT environment on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. More and more, as customers either upgrade to new versions of SAS, retire their aging RISC servers or move to the cloud, they are turning to Red Hat as a platform of choice. We are working with SAS to make this a seamless transition.

2. What results have you obtained from using SAS?

We are not an end user of SAS. However, we have adopted SAS as one of our primary test beds for current and future versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We are running SAS 24x7 in a simulated test environment at our engineering center in Westord, MA.

This is helping us to improve our products while learning best practices that we share with customers for running SAS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

3. How do you envision your organization and SAS jointly solving business problems in 2011 and beyond?

IT organizations are under relentless pressure to do more with less. For the performance-conscious SAS customer, this represents a unique challenge. The SAS data sets are not shrinking. The time line between data acquisition to achieving actionable results from analytics is compressing, and the need for even deeper insight from analytics is growing.

We are working with SAS to help customers modernize their IT architecture and optimize against IT resource constraints without having to compromise on anything. SAS customers can deploy TODAY on the Red Hat portfolio, confident that SAS running on Red Hat will support their current and future IT requirements.

Industry trend research indicates that customers are turning to Red Hat to address these challenges. Throughout the recession, Red Hat as a company, has had double digit growth in earnings and revenue. Red Hat has grown its SAS deployment base 80% year over year.

4. What makes SAS Global Forum 2011 a valued sponsorship opportunity for you?

This is THE best opportunity for us to engage with SAS customers - to talk with them about maximizing their SAS performance while dramatically driving down IT platform costs. This year we will have two sessions at SAS Global Forum -one presenting best practices for running SAS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux; the other to share a case study of the value one SAS customer derived by migrating from a UNIX/RISC platform to Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Intel Xeon-based servers. Please stop by the Red Hat booth in the SAS Support and Demo area to learn more.


About Author

Michael Smith

Marketing Specialist

Michael H. Smith joined SAS in 1988. He has enjoyed working directly with SAS users groups throughout the US since 1995. He currently supports PharmaSUG and other special-interest groups. He has been blogging about SAS users groups since 2009.

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