I must admit, I’m glad the 2014 Winter Olympics are over. I’ve spent too many night-time hours glued to the TV. I can now get on with my life. But first, let’s have a little SAS fun with the medal standings.
How do you prefer your summary of medal standings - bar chart or data table?
The following vertical bar chart was created with the GCHART procedure and numerous global statements such as AXIS and LEGEND:
The following data table was created with the REPORT procedure and STYLE= options:
If you like what you see, be sure to check out the code at the end of this blog.
- If you’re not familiar with the GCHART procedure, we offer a SAS/GRAPH: Essentials class.
- If you’re not familiar with the REPORT procedure and STYLE= options, we offer a SAS Report Writing 1: Essentials class.
SAS Program:
data standings; infile datalines dlm=','; input Country:$15. _1Gold _2Silver _3Bronze _0Total; datalines; Russian Fed.,13,11,9,33 United States,9,7,12,28 Norway,11,5,10,26 Canada,10,10,5,25 Netherlands,8,7,9,24 Germany,8,6,5,19 Austria,4,8,5,17 France,4,4,7,15 Sweden,2,7,6,15 Switzerland,6,3,2,11 ; run; proc sort data=standings; by Country; run; proc transpose data=standings out=standingsrotated(rename=(col1=Number)) name=Medal; by Country; var _1Gold _2Silver _3Bronze; run; proc sort data=standings; by descending _0Total; run; ods html path='c:\temp' file='Olympics.html' nogtitle nogfootnote style=sasweb; goptions reset=all colors=(gold silver cxCD7F32) htext=12pt border; title1 c=black h=14pt 'XXII Olympic Winter Games (Sochi)'; title2 c=black h=12pt 'Medal Counts for Top 10 Countries, Based on Total Count'; footnote1 c=black h=12pt link='http://www.sochi2014.com/en/medal-standings' 'Data Source: www.sochi2014.com'; axis1 label=none value=(angle=-45) length=70pct; axis2 label=(a=90 'Medal Count') length=70pct; legend1 frame cblock=gray position=(top center inside) mode=protect label=none value=(t=1 'Gold' t=2 'Silver' t=3 'Bronze'); proc gchart data=standingsrotated; vbar Country / sumvar=Number subgroup=Medal sum maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 legend=legend1 coutline=same; run; quit; proc report data=standings nowd style(report)={bordercolor=black cellspacing=0 rules=all} style(header)={color=black backgroundcolor=white just=right fontsize=12pt} style(column)={width=1in fontsize=12pt vjust=middle}; column Country _1Gold _2Silver _3Bronze _0Total; define Country / style(header)={just=left} style(column)={width=2in}; define _1Gold / 'Gold' style(header)={backgroundcolor=gold} style(column)={backgroundcolor=gold}; define _2Silver / 'Silver' style(header)={backgroundcolor=silver} style(column)={backgroundcolor=silver}; define _3Bronze / 'Bronze' style(header)={backgroundcolor=cxCD7F32} style(column)={backgroundcolor=cxCD7F32}; define _0Total / 'Total'; compute Country; if Country='United States' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/usa.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Russian Fed.' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/rus.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Netherlands' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/ned.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Norway' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/nor.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Canada' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/can.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Germany' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/ger.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='France' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/fra.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Sweden' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/swe.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Switzerland' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/sui.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); else if Country='Austria' then call define(_COL_,'STYLE', 'style={prehtml="<img src=http://gtcdn.sochi2014.com/flag/large/aut.png width=55 align=middle>"}'); endcomp; run; ods html close; |
Pingback: Olympic graphs on steroids! | The SAS Training Post
Thank you for this blog post, Michele. If I wanted to include images for the medals, say, underneath the column headers Gold, Silver, and Bronze, would I be able to do that via the respective DEFINE statement (e.g. define _1Gold) or are additional COMPUTER blocks for each column header necessary? Thank you for any suggestions you can provide.
Good thought Daniel! You can add an image to the header using the DEFINE statement plus ODS ESCAPECHAR.
Before the PROC REPORT step, add a statement like the following:
ods escapechar='~';
On the DEFINE statement after the forward slash, add header syntax like the following:
'~{style [postimage="c:\temp\gold.png"] Gold}'
Instead of POSTIMAGE, you can use POSTHTML. POSTHTML is a little more syntax but you can control the size of the image.
'~{style [posthtml=""] Gold}'
If you have never used ODS ESCAPECHAR, be sure to check out the documentation. Great tool for performing in-line formatting.
Thank you for your response, Michele. I will definitely gives this a try. (And please forgive me the "auto-correct" typo regarding the COMPUTE block. It might have been wishful thinking to get additional "COMPUTER blocks" installed in my office.)