The OLAPCONTENTS procedure


In my recent work for updates and changes to the SAS 9.4 OLAP Server documentation, I documented a new OLAP Server procedure that can be extremely useful to our customers. The function has been available for internal use but will become available to customers in SAS 9.4.

The OLAPCONTENTS procedure enables you to connect to a SAS OLAP server and generate reports for SAS OLAP cubes. These reports list structural information for the cube including details about the tables that were used to load the cube, the dimension structures (hierarchy, level, property), and measures. The OLAPCONTENTS procedure is similar to the CONTENTS procedure for SAS Data sets. The DISPLAY CUBE command specifies the cube that you are generating a report for and any reporting options. Here is the syntax for the procedure:

DISPLAY CUBE cube-name[OUT=data-set];

While connected to the OLAP server you can execute multiple reports with the DISPLAY CUBE command. In addition you can refine the report that is generated and focus on specific areas of cube information. For instance, you may not need the level information for a cube. In this instance the following syntax contains a nolevel option:
proc olapcontents;
connect host="localhost" port=9401 userid="user1" pw="A1B2C34D"
display cube "mddbcars" nolevel;

Other options that enable you to filter out part of the information that is generated for display cube include: nodimension, nohierarchy, nolevel, noproperty, nocalculated, and nomeasure.  

By default, the generated report is sent to an output window, by way of ODS. However, you can direct the output for the report to a data-set using the OUT= option on the DISPLAY CUBES command.

display cube "mddbcars" out=report1

The OLAPCONTENTS procedure is fully documented in the forthcoming SAS 9.4 OLAP Server User’s Guide (with anticipated availability in March 2013).

Tags SAS 9.4

About Author

Donna Lanningham

Technical Writer


  1. Donna Lanningham on

    For this release, OLAPCONTENTS does not display aggregation information. It is under consideration for future releases.

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