About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

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  1. Hi Angela,

    great article, even if it is a bit older, it is still dealing with an up-to-date topic.
    I am also a big fan of the SAS metadata environment and I love searching the metadata with the metabrowser. However what I do not find very optimal are the following issues:
    -Assoziations between objects are not always directly obvious at a glance, sometimes I really have to click a lot
    -the technical relationships can be very tricky so that you need some kind of knowledge and experience with SAS

    That was the starting point for me to develop a tool by myself that is able to easily read out metadata and to visualize them in an attractive way for the user.
    Simply because I am convinced that everyone can bring out more of his/her SAS metadata environment.

    take a look at

    greetings from Germany

  2. Pingback: Leverage metadata user synchronization macros for other uses

  3. Bart Heinsius on

    I don't see many customers running SAS DMS anymore, they all use EG, so no metabrowse for them :(
    in sas913 there was the unsupported SAS Metadata Explorer, a web front-end to the metadata with the same/better functionality as metabrowse, and no DMS required. I found it awesome. every time i have to search in metadata i get sad it's not there anymore and that i have to fall back to metabrowse.
    what happened to it?

    • Angela Hall

      Hi Bart! Thanks for mentioning the SAS Metadata Explorer. It is actually available to customers who request a copy but it looks like it hasn't been updated since the 9.1.3 version. You could request it and try on the newer versions, I don't believe the underlying metadata has changed that significantly (save for the folder view capability in 9.2+).

  4. Hi Angela,

    I'm a big fan of metabrowse and also find the 'find' feature handy from time to time. Right clicking over the repository in metabrowse shows a 'Find' item in the context menu. This allows you to type in a metadata URI to locate an object (or objects). Here's an example URI to find stored processes with the word graphic in the name:

    ClassifierMap?@PublicType='StoredProcess' and @Name contains 'graphic'


  5. Other ways you can do metadata reporting is to use Metacoda Security Plug-ins software which is installed and used within the SAS Management Console - http://www.metacoda.com/en/metacoda-security-plug-ins/ This software provides enhanced visibility of SAS metadata security implementations, in whole-of-server views to assist with reviews, troubleshooting and the ongoing governance and auditing requirements for an organization.

  6. Amadeus Software has some similar information in a You Tube video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTRUKDVUcnM]. It's useful if you are just learning to work with the metadata.

  7. To enable editing in metabrowse-

    Click Tools->Options->Explorer->General…
    Make sure the "Metadata Browse Mode" checkbox is unchecked
    Click OK to close the Explorer Options

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