What's new in SAS 9.3 Documentation


SAS 9.3 is here! In addition to the many new features and enhancements to the software, you will find changes to the SAS documentation as well. For example, the SAS Product Documentation page on support.sas.com has been redesigned to help you find information faster. These changes are presented in the following video:

For information about the new software features and enhancements in SAS 9.3, start with the What’s New in SAS 9.3 book. If you are an existing SAS customer, you should also review the SAS 9.3 Guide to Software Updates. This book describes how some changes (such as the new default output style in SAS 9.3) could affect your site.

Here are some documentation changes to note in SAS 9.3.

  • Because the SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) is now part of Base SAS, all books about ODS graphics (including books about the Graph Template Language, ODS Graphics Designer, and ODS Graphics Editor) are now delivered with Base SAS.
  • The SAS Language Reference: Dictionary has now been divided into 7 books – one for each type of language element, such as data set options, statements, and system options. As a result, you can find the information that you need faster. These new documents are available from the Base SAS documentation page.

As you read our documentation, if you have questions or feedback, please contact us at yourturn@sas.com.  We value your input!


About Author

Marie Dexter

SAS Technical Writer


  1. Bernardo Chaves on

    Solutions in version 9.2 had the option to do principal components analysis and enhanced graph which is nice. I miss this analysis in 9.3 version. Where can I find it ?

    • Shelly Goodin
      Shelly Goodin on

      Hi Bernardo, thank you for reading our post and for contacting us. At your convenience, I'd recommend contacting SAS Technical Support to get assistance with your question. You can email them at support@sas.com, call them 919-677-8008 or submit an online form: http://support.sas.com/ctx/supportform/createForm . Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Thanks again for reading our blog.

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