New SAS book on multiple comparisons and tests

SAS Press editor Stephenie Joyner proudly displays new book

Users who have eagerly anticipated the arrival of this new SAS Press book will not be disappointed! In Multiple Comparisons and Multiple Tests Using SAS, Second Edition, authors Peter Westfall, Randall Tobias, and Russell Wolfinger have improved upon the features that made their First Edition so popular, and added new elements that will appeal to an even larger audience.

The Second Edition has combined the textbook and exercises into a single volume for user convenience. All the code and macros have been updated to reflect SAS 9.3 features. In addition, the authors have expanded their discussion and coverage of these areas: large-scale testing, the false recovery rate, Bayesian and decision theoretic methods, and closed testing. This new edition also uses graphics extensively and demonstrates a variety of new SAS output formats. Finally, JMP users will be delighted to see chapters that focus on a variety of ways to implement the methods using JMP.

We hope that you will enjoy this new book and look forward to your comments about it. Also, you can view a free chapter from this book!


About Author

Stephenie Joyner

Acquisitions Editor

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