Discovering the power of ODS ExcelXP tagsets


The ODS ExcelXP tagset is pretty powerful stuff. Hidding columns, changing the print layout to landscape, updating the spreadsheet names, defining the default column width and row height, etc - it's all available using options within the ExcelXP setup.

So the best thing to do is grab some documentation. Fortunetly, there is a doc provided directly in your SAS log file by adding the option (doc="help") within the tagset statement. An example of using this option directly from Enterprise Guide or Base SAS is below:

ods tagsets.ExcelXP path="c:\temp" file="exporttest.xls" style=sasweb options(doc="help);

Are there any Stored Process Creators in the house?

There are a couple notes for you.
1. You must estabilish these options BEFORE the %stpbegin; statement.
For example by including these %lets:
%let _odsdest = tagsets.ExcelXP;
%let _odsoptions = options=(doc="help");

2. If you are expecting the user to receive this file via the Web Interface, you will still need to include stpsrv_header options - also before the %stpbegin; statement.

data _null_;
rc=stpsrv_header('Content-type', 'application/');
rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=Excel_Export.xls');

Additional Information on the ExcelXP Tagsets for ODS:

About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.


  1. Bharat Thakkar on

    I currently use the ods tagsets.ExcelXP to generate standard reports with multiple worksheets and it works wonderfully. My challange is that I have 6 static worksheets that are stored seperatly as template and I need append these 6 worksheets and the worksheets generated by the ods.tagset.ExcelXP. Is there SAS solution or do I need to some VB code? Please advise.

    Bharat Thakkar

  2. Very informative post! I am using ExcelXP tagset to create a multi sheet Excel file. I have a dataset that contains records with user IDs and I want to create separate worksheet for each user record and use the username as the worksheet name.

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