Last, but least......


Now that my blogging partner Cat Truxillo has identified herself, it's my turn to come out of hiding. I'm Mike Kalt, and I'll be telling you what I know about Base SAS and SAS/GRAPH, and providing more gossip about life on the road and what's going on in Cary. By the way, although Cat and I are both based in Cary, about half of the SAS instructors in the United States are based in our regional offices, so if you are taking a course in San Francisco, your instructor probably didn't fly out from Cary.

You old-timers out there may remember me from SAS Tech Support, where I provided SAS/GRAPH support from 1981 through 2003, before moving across the street to Education. The photo at the right was taken in 1983 at at SUGI (what we used to call SAS Global Forum), and it shows the toll that Tech Support has taken on my hairline over the years.

Although I teach several courses covering Base SAS, I'm still a SAS/GRAPH geek at heart, so you'll be getting a good dose of graphics features, including one in my next post.

If you have any questions about topics relating to Base SAS and SAS/GRAPH, ideas for future postings, or questions about University of Michigan football, just drop me a line.


About Author

Mike Kalt

Technical Training Specialist

Mike Kalt is an instructor and course developer at SAS Institute. His most recent course development project is "Producing Maps with SAS/GRAPH", which he highly recommends.

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