The #30DChallenge Results


Starting on September 1st, covering every working day, I began a thirty day challenge (twitter #30dchallenge) to accomplish a couple of goals:

1. Continue to increase my skills/knowledge of the new SAS 9.2 System
Topics included both versions (SAS 9.1.3 and SAS 9.2), multiple components (SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Management Console, SAS Stored Processes, jBoss, etc), and definetly pushed me to continually learn the systems. There is one thing I know, there is NO way to know it all on this system. So many capabilities, constantly new ideas on how to utilize what is there, and always a new product/change coming out the door.

2. Expand the reach of my SAS BI Blog (calculated by daily hit rates)
It appears that a large increase in viewer ship was garnered, however there was less time on site and pages/visit. I take this to mean that more people are visiting that have visited recently and are checking up on only the new posts. I would strongly challenge other bloggers out there to take on the #30dchallenge for themselves and see the results!

Jul 21 - Aug 12 Sept 18 - Oct 12 Difference
Site Visits 741 1,247 506
Page Views 1,206 1,861 655
Pages/Visit 1.63 1.49 -0.14
Avg Time on Site 1.36 1.13 -0.23

3. Share know-how with others.

Today is post number 150! Can you believe there is that much to share? And during the course of the challenge, I continued to get responses via Twitter (@sasbi) and email ( on how users found the items helpful and even passed along their findings. Making this a great mechanism to connect with other SAS peeps!

Thanks everyone for keeping an eye on my blog over the past 30 working days. I will continue to post more information as I find it. And if you are interested in sharing something in this location, just send me an email!

~ Angela


About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

1 Comment

  1. Angela,Great work. 30 posts in 30 days is impressive. Your stats show that good content presented frequently draws readers. Congratulations on completing the 30 day challenge and doing it with useful content.

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