jBoss Issue Related to Excessive Debugging in Logs


New jBoss installs might store excessive logging due to a malformed comment in log4j.properties that threw JBoss into a debug state on startup.

There was a comment tag in the jboss-log4j.xml file something like
!-- -------------Add new line here à

All of the additional hyphens were causing the SASServer1 to go into debug at boot and fill the log with debug entries

Additional References:

Thanks to Nick Welke for submitting this discovery!


About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

1 Comment

  1. Yes, that can be a bit pain.Deployment wizard should:a) ask to explode ears (they are needed in packed form only when clustering)b) put such limits in this jboss-log4j.xmlThanks for pointing this note, I used to limit per category (com,org,javax to name obvious ones)Regards

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