Solving problems with Twitter Friends - Using SAS EG 4.1 in a SAS 9.2 Server Environment


Twitter is an EXCELLENT resource to get SAS friends' feedback on issues. Take for instance the tweet yesterday from @CaroleJesse concerning EG 4.1 issues after installing 9.2 on the Server. @hollandnumerics responded that a command line step could be run to register the 9.2 system. See the dialog below and then become a member of Twitter today! (You can then follow @hollandnumerics, @CaroleJesse and even me @sasbi!)


About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

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