Default ACT vs Custom ACTs, How to save time and headaches!


If you are assigning special authorization for one SAS Object (Library, Folder, Server) to a specific User Group in SAS Management Console, using the Authorization Tab on that Object makes sense. However, if you have multiple SAS Objects to assign this special authorization to, it makes more sense to create a Custom ACT, include the template authorization there and then apply the Custom ACT to each object. This Custom ACT is then the ONLY change you would need to make if you were adding a group to that authorization definition. You wouldn’t have to make subsequent changes to each SAS Object. Saving time and headaches.

Couple notes:
1. Making changes to the Default ACT or Custom ACT? The ‘User and Permissions’ tab is the template authorizations that are forwarded to applied SAS Objects. The ‘Authorization’ tab contains information on WHO can make changes to the ACT itself. Typically, this just means that you should modify ONLY the ‘User and Permissions’ tab.
2. Included is a table relation the action you are trying to allow with the appropriate Permissions level:


About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

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