SAS Enterprise Guide - Server File Access


SAS Enterprise Guide allows users to access files on the SAS server environment. Only one of the three options can be set - either to point to the designated user folder 'SAS User Root', set to the root 'System Root', or define a shared location/directory 'path'.

The SAS Administrator sets this as an Advanced Option on the Workspace Server in SAS Management Console.

In SAS Management Console
-right-click on the "Workspace Server" in Server Manager
-select "Properties"
-select "Options" tab
-select "Advanced Options" button
-select "File Navigation" tab
-select Path and specify "c:\temp"


About Author

Angela Hall

Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.


  1. Hello Angela,
    Our requirement is to have 3 folders to all the users.
    1.$home path of a user ( i think here SAS User Root option will work) - But if i choose this option, only $Home path of user is listed.
    2. System Root - Will grant Home folder + root filesystem of the server - But we need to have /app/project1/ filesystem.
    3. PATH option - sets only one path - if i set /app/project1/ filesystem - only this is visible and $home is lost.

    Please guide any other way to have a user to have the folder list like this,



  2. Hi Angela, If you check path and specify let's say /xxx and when you start EG6.1 and click on the File folder and it fails with [Error] Physical file does not exist.Is there an option to specify a path in your sasv9.usermods.cfg file.

    • Angela Hall

      I dont believe there is any option available in the sasv9 cfg files. This starter file path must be set in the Workspace Server within SAS Management Console.

  3. Pingback: Revisiting the starting file location for Enterprise Guide - Real BI for Real Users

  4. This process is exactly the same in SAS 9.2 - however your Server Manager Node might look a little bit different. In a default environment it would be the lowest level of 'SASApp - Workspace Server'.

  5. Very helpful. We have been trying to access the 'T:' drive on our server via EG and this post allowed us to set the path correctly.Thanks.

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