I was recently reviewing our most popular samples that we publish on support.sas.com, and I came across this one showing unusual uses for the ROUND function.
As well as gathering lots of visits, this sample has also earned a very respectable rating by you, the readers. I note that we report the exact value for the average rating. Why can't we be more charitable and simply round up?
Or, we could use some of those fancy analytics on the ratings data to show a more complete story:
(Yes, I used PROC MEANS for this, and MODE is supported in SAS 9.2.)
By the way, whether a sample like this helps you out or somehow misses the mark, it helps us if you take a moment to rate it. Even though most of the ratings for this ROUND sample were positive, the number of ratings represents less than 2% of the total visits. I guess we can just assume that the silent thousands of you found the sample to be extremely useful, or at least interesting...