
Phil Simon 0
The error paradox

How are sales going? It's a frequent query that every author gets from time to time. Lamentably, though, that four-word question is difficult if not impossible to answer with any precision. If this seems like a paradox, you're absolutely right. Back in the Mad Men days, real-time sales numbers for

Jim Harris 0
The data that supported the decision

Data-driven journalism has driven some of my recent posts. I blogged about turning anecdote into data and how being data-driven means being question-driven. The latter noted the similarity between interviewing people and interviewing data. In this post I want to examine interviewing people about data, especially the data used by people to drive

David Loshin 0
Knowledge embedded in network organization

In our previous posts along this thread, I have suggested that graph analytics provides benefits in identifying actionable knowledge inherent in the relationships between and among entities, as opposed to typical analyses that focus on characterizing individual entities. I have to admit, that suggestion is a little bit misleading. What

Cracking the code to successful conversions - scope

I don't know about you, but I've been on multiple conversion projects where the scope changes – especially during development. It's not that the requirements were not gathered properly; the requirements changed! The business changes and people change, so the requirements can change on large conversion projects. I like to create scope documents

Dylan Jones 0
5 tips for taking data quality to the enterprise

Most organisations kick off their data quality journey with some form of localised initiative. Perhaps a data migration needs a data quality cleanup, or a customer-facing service is plagued with legacy dirty data. A time-boxed initiative is delivered and traction develops. More projects ensue – and slowly, ever so slowly,

Phil Simon 0
Tips on becoming a Visual Organization

There’s little doubt that basic, static pie charts and even infographics can tell a story. But, as I write in my new book, Visual Organizations understand that contemporary dataviz tools are just plain better. They allow for a high degree of interactivity, motion and animation. So, what does this mean?

Jim Harris 2
Being data-driven means being question-driven

At the Journalism Interactive 2014 conference, Derek Willis spoke about interviewing data, his advice for becoming a data-driven journalist. “The bulk of the skills involved in interviewing people and interviewing data are actually pretty similar,” Willis explained. “We want to get to know it a little bit. We want to figure

David Loshin 1
What is a graph model?

In my previous post I started a discussion of graph analytics in which connections and links among different types of entities can be analyzed to find patterns that lead to actionable intelligence. But before we can explore the details of the types of analyses to be performed, we must first

Jennifer Nenadic 0
Building an analytics culture from the ground up

With all the industry emphasis and collateral available on high performance analytics, business intelligence and visual analytics, it can be difficult to know exactly where to begin, especially if you don’t have a team of statisticians standing by. Thankfully, analytics covers a huge range of opportunities to empower your business, and

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