
Dylan Jones 0
The two worlds of data quality motivation

How do you convince executives, frontline workers, middle managers and everyone else in your organization that data quality is a worthwhile activity for them to support? The answer is to tap into their personal motivation. It is one of the most important data quality lessons to master because everything else

Jim Harris 2
The truth about truth

Truth is a funny thing. And I don’t just mean how some true things are funny. A few examples include that strawberries are not berries, peanuts are not nuts, Chock Full o’Nuts coffee does not contain nuts, and the singer-songwriter Barry Manilow did not write his hit song “I Write

Jim Harris 0
Big data versus the not-so-humble opinion

Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen recently blogged about the times when a HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) outweighs data in business decision-making. While I have seen plenty of hefty opinions trump high-quality data, those opinions did not always come from the highest paid person. The stubborn truth is that we all hold our

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