
Dylan Jones
Founder, Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro

Dylan Jones is the founder of Data Quality Pro and Data Migration Pro, popular online communities that provide a range of practical resources and support to their respective professions. Dylan has an extensive information management background and is a prolific publisher of expert articles and tutorials on all manner of data related initiatives.

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Getting clinical with data quality analysis

I have recently qualified as a volunteer first responder to assist ambulance crews in my rural community, which is an interesting break from the world of data. But not a break entirely. During my training, it occurred to me that we’re simply not equipping many data quality practitioners with the

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5 tips for taking data quality to the enterprise

Most organisations kick off their data quality journey with some form of localised initiative. Perhaps a data migration needs a data quality cleanup, or a customer-facing service is plagued with legacy dirty data. A time-boxed initiative is delivered and traction develops. More projects ensue – and slowly, ever so slowly,

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Poor data quality? Check for model gaps

Every business, regardless of size and sector, is subjected to continual change. Business models are constantly evolving and adapting as consumers react to new technologies, laws and trends. Take a look at Amazon as an example. It has adapted its business model in an agile fashion by offering streaming of

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3 tips for turning around a sinking data migration

Data migrations can be challenging initiatives at the best of times, but when they start to go wrong they can be devilishly difficult to turn around and keep afloat. In this article I share three simple ideas that may help you gain control of the project and bring that go-live date

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Want smarter leaders? Invest in data quality

When extolling the virtues of data quality, particularly to a leadership community, it pays to focus not just on the corporate gains but also the personal benefits that better quality data can offer. Improving data quality can often be a thankless task. You make changes to a resource that many

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Mass inspections are a means to a positive end

One of the key principles of W.Edwards Deming in his drive for greater quality in the US manufacturing industry was: “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.” Quality purists will repeatedly quote this principle

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Functions are the missing data migration gap

Data migration projects are really a lesson in gap management. We are effectively building a complex web of technology and understanding to bridge the gulf between the legacy world and the target world. Most of the gap management in data migration revolves around solving data quality and mapping issues. We

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How to grow a data quality culture that takes action

A data quality culture is one of those elusive outcomes that can so often make or break your long-term data quality vision. Whilst many project leaders are capable of fostering collaboration and communication in their immediate team, some leaders find it hard to build on this to grow greater data

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Building intelligence on firm foundations

Business intelligence is now accessible to companies of all sizes and sectors. I run a small business and we have incredible reporting and analytical capabilities that allow us to model every aspect of our operation. We can create dashboards of website traffic, article distribution, revenue performance, social media analytics and

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