
Sunny Zhang
Sr Solutions Architect

Sunny Zhang, Senior Solutions Architect with Americas Risk Practice and has extensive publications in the areas of risk and compliance.

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Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 10

Principle 10: Frequency – The board and senior management (or other recipients as appropriate) should set the frequency of risk management report production and distribution. BCBS 239 “Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting”, released in January of 2013, specifically requires that the bank’s board and senior management should be

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Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 5

Principle 5: Timeliness – A bank should be able to generate aggregate and up-to-date risk data in a timely manner while also meeting the principles relating to accuracy and integrity, completeness and adaptability. A timely and accurate view of risk exposure, aggregated across credit counterparties and financial products could have