Tag: Root Cause Analysis

David Pope 0
What do crime shows and data science have in common?

I enjoy watching TV crime series like Law and Order, Crime Series Investigation (CSI), CriminalMinds, Numb3rs, Person of Interest, as well as real-life mystery stories on shows like 20/20 and others. Obviously, the popularity of these types of shows means I'm not the only one who enjoys this type of entertainment. Here at SAS,

David Froning 0
5 proven ways to improve field quality performance

Your customers are more demanding than ever before.  Improving field quality and your customer's experience of your product is essential to staying competitive.  However, truly understanding customer experience can be a daunting task.  These recommendations have been refined and proven in dozens of manufacturers as simple ways to rapidly improve field quality performance. 1. Think big; start small.

Tom Roehm 0
I hear voices... the voices of quality

Do you hear voices? I sure hope so. I’m not talking about the ones associated with psychiatric disorders or medical conditions, but the voices of quality. To compare the two for a just a moment, the medical description from HealthGrades explains that auditory hallucinations can be pleasant or threatening and