Banking on social media: Worth the risk?


Is social media too risky for banks? Can banks make a social media connection with customers that will shake off the negative impressions developed during the past few years? SunTrust Bank and “Biz” Stone (@biz to Twitter users) say yes.

Still - many organizations are not using social media as part of their marketing and customer relationship management tactics. In research just released by Harvard Business Review, nearly two-thirds of the 2,100 companies who participated in the survey said they are either currently using social media channels or have social media plans in the works. However, many of those are only experimenting with social media. They either don’t understand the channels or don’t know how to effectively integrate social media into their strategy.

While at the BAI Retail Delivery conference, I spoke to several CEOs and CMOs to learn how they were using social media to connect with customers. They were eager to learn of new developments, but nervous about the perceived risks associated with talking with customers about their account issues online. They feared that social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were not yet safe enough for financial services providers.

My advice and that of many experts including Biz Stone: if you aren’t participating in these channels, others will be. To help convince any doubters, I decided to tear a page or two from SunTrust Bank’s social media playbook and share it here.

I heard of SunTrust’s Facebook page and social media experiences during the first session I attended at BAI: “Marketing Post-Crisis: Rebuilding Consumer Trust through Innovation."? Rilla DeLorier, CMO of SunTrust Bank, said that SunTrust had found success turning unfriendlies into evangelists. She said that social media lets your best customers tell the story for you – a much more powerful way to get the right message out.

When asked how SunTrust handles issues like account security, DeLorier said that SunTrust is transparent with its customers. SunTrust tells customers that it is monitoring posts to protect customers when they accidentally post information that may put them at risk. Then SunTrust pulls customer posts that have sensitive account information.

If you are serious about customer service and customer relationship management, then you have to think like your customers and be where your customers are. Today’s customers are on their cell phones, laptops and iPads. They don’t have time or want to be bothered with a visit to the local branch. There is no perfect scripted answer, but SunTrust found a way to handle this nicely.

SunTrust is not alone; there are other banks and financial institutions who are incorporating social media into their marketing strategy. Take a look at what @Citi and @BofA_Help are doing on Twitter. For a deeper understanding of social media, including how you can set up your organization’s social media guidelines, deciding who in your organization should be using social media and what you can gain from it, watch this on demand webinar, From Engagement to Results: The Business Value Behind Social Media.

Readers, how is your organization using social media? Are you experimenting or have you jumped in with both feet and getting measurable ROI?


About Author

Waynette Tubbs

Editor, Marketing Editorial

Waynette Tubbs is a seasoned technology journalist specializing in interviewing and writing about how leaders leverage advanced and emerging analytical technologies to transform their B2B and B2C organizations. In her current role, she works closely with global marketing organizations to generate content about artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, intelligent automation, cybersecurity, data management, and marketing automation. Waynette has a master’s degree in journalism and mass communications from UNC Chapel Hill.


  1. Bianca Buckridee on

    Hi Waynette:
    Thanks so much for sharing our story as it relates to us delving our toes into offering client support via social networks. We're also actively using Twitter via @askSunTrust to proactively broadcast information on incidents that can impact our clients such as closings/outages due to inclement weather. Most importantly we're using both to to respond to client questions, concerns, compliments and complaints. Not only does Facebook and Twitter provide a low-barrier channel for clients to interact with SunTrust they also provide a unique way to build relationships with clients. For my team and I - the best part of our day is hearing what's going on in their lives so we can encourage them towards their goals. Thanks again for taking the time to put your thoughts into words - we appreciate it more than you know!
    Bianca Buckridee
    Social Media Engagement Manager
    SunTrust Bank

  2. Waynette Tubbs on

    I really enjoyed the BAI Retail Delivery Conference and was especially delighted with the number of presentations devoted to customer interaction through social media channels. At SAS, we have also found that Twitter, Facebook and our blogs are a great way to talk with our software users. Not only can we provide them with information, but as you say, they can provide us with information that is critical to improving the software.
    Waynette Tubbs

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