Demystifying SAS autoexec files


Recently, I shared a summary of Brian Varney’s SESUG presentation on How to document your SAS environment. One important step was determining where files that control overall processing, such as files, are deployed.   For installations on a single server or platform, Varney suggested using the OPTIONS procedure, which lists a number of important pieces of information.  He noted that finding these files on planned installations is more complex.   

In her recent blog post So many autoexecs; three tips for BI administrators,  Angela Hall dispels some of the mystery around finding and understanding autoexec files in a multi-server installation, such as SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence.  These installations are more complex, partly because there are multiple files as well as files, and their interactions are governed by a set of precedence rules.  You’ll want to bookmark the cool table that lists the directory location and filenames for a dozen different autoexec files and clarifies what each one controls.

Here are other recent notes about the location and processing of files:



About Author

Christina Harvey

Principal Marketing Specialist

Christina Harvey is an editor for SAS External Communications. She has more than 20 years experience as a technical writer and communications specialist for SAS.

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