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Rick Wicklin 1
3 problems with mean imputation

In a previous article, I showed how to use SAS to perform mean imputation. However, there are three problems with using mean-imputed variables in statistical analyses: Mean imputation reduces the variance of the imputed variables. Mean imputation shrinks standard errors, which invalidates most hypothesis tests and the calculation of confidence

Rick Wicklin 2
Should you use principal component regression?

This article describes the advantages and disadvantages of principal component regression (PCR). This article also presents alternative techniques to PCR. In a previous article, I showed how to compute a principal component regression in SAS. Recall that principal component regression is a technique for handling near collinearities among the regression

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Rick Wicklin 6
Principal component regression in SAS

A common question on discussion forums is how to compute a principal component regression in SAS. One reason people give for wanting to run a principal component regression is that the explanatory variables in the model are highly correlated which each other, a condition known as multicollinearity. Although principal component

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