
Rick Wicklin 13
Packages: A new way to share SAS/IML programs

My previous post highlighted presentations at SAS Global Forum 2016 that heavily used SAS/IML software. Several of the authors clearly want to share their work with the wider SAS analytical community. They include their SAS/IML program in an appendix or mention a web site or email address from which the

Rick Wicklin 0
Matrix computations at SAS Global Forum 2016

Last week I attended SAS Global Forum 2016 in Las Vegas. I and more than 5,000 other attendees discussed and shared tips about data analysis and statistics. Naturally, I attended many presentations that featured using SAS/IML software to implement advanced analytical algorithms. Several speakers showed impressive mastery of SAS/IML programming

Rick Wicklin 7
Visualize missing data in SAS

You can visualize missing data. It sounds like an oxymoron, but it is true. How can you draw graphs of something that is missing? In a previous article, I showed how you can use PROC MI in SAS/STAT software to create a table that shows patterns of missing data in

Rick Wicklin 10
Examine patterns of missing data in SAS

Missing data can be informative. Sometimes missing values in one variable are related to missing values in another variable. Other times missing values in one variable are independent of missing values in other variables. As part of the exploratory phase of data analysis, you should investigate whether there are patterns

Rick Wicklin 8
The WHERE clause in SAS/IML

In SAS procedures, the WHERE clause is a useful way to filter observations so that the procedure receives only a subset of the data to analyze. The IML procedure supports the WHERE clause in two separate statements. On the USE statement, the WHERE clause acts as a global filter. The

Rick Wicklin 1
Generate points uniformly inside a circular region in 2-D

It is easy to generate random points that are uniformly distributed inside a rectangle. You simply generate independent random uniform values for each coordinate. However, nonrectangular regions are more complicated. An instructive example is to simulate points uniformly inside the ball with a given radius. The two-dimensional case is to

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