
Rick Wicklin 1
The drunkard's walk in 2-D

Last month I wrote about how to simulate a drunkard's walk in SAS for a drunkard who can move only left or right in one direction. A reader asked whether the problem could be generalized to two dimensions. Yes! This article shows how to simulate a 2-D drunkard's walk, also

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Rick Wicklin 12
Those tricky PERCENT formats

When using SAS to format a number as a percentage, there is a little trick that you need to remember: the width of the formatted value must include room for the decimal point, the percent sign, and the possibility of two parentheses that indicate negative values. The field width must

Rick Wicklin 3
Regression coefficient plots in SAS

Last week's post about odds ratio plots in SAS made me think about a similar plot that visualizes the parameter estimates for a regression analysis. The so-called regression coefficient plot is a scatter plot of the estimates for each effect in the model, with lines that indicate the width of

Rick Wicklin 8
Large matrices in SAS/IML

Last week, SAS released the 14.1 version of its analytics products, which are shipped as part of the third maintenance release of 9.4. If you run SAS/IML programs from a 64-bit Windows PC, you might be interested to know that you can now create matrices with about 231 ≈ 2

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Rick Wicklin 1
Convert a vector to a string

Base SAS contains many functions for processing strings, and you can call these functions from within a SAS/IML program. However, sometimes a SAS/IML programmer needs to process a vector of strings. No problem! You can call most Base SAS functions with a vector of parameters. I have previously written about

Rick Wicklin 2
Wealth and winning in NC high school athletics

The Raleigh News & Observer published a front-page article about the effect of wealth and poverty on high school athletics in North Carolina. In particular, the article concluded that "high schools with a high percentage of poor students rarely win titles in the so-called country club sports—tennis, golf and swimming—and

Rick Wicklin 5
The relationship between toothlessness and income

My colleague Robert Allison finds the most interesting data sets to visualize! Yesterday he posted a visualization of toothless seniors in the US. More precisely, he created graphs that show the estimated prevalence of adults (65 years or older) who have had all their natural teeth extracted. The dental profession

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