
Rick Wicklin 3
Creating a periodic smoother

In yesterday's post, I discussed a "quick and dirty" method to smooth periodic data. However, after I smoothed the data I remarked that the smoother itself was not exactly periodic. At the end points of the periodic interval, the smoother did not have equal slopes and the method does not

Rick Wicklin 8
Smoothers for periodic data

Over at the SAS and R blog, Ken Kleinman discussed using polar coordinates to plot time series data for multiple years. The time series plot was reproduced in SAS by my colleague Robert Allison. The idea of plotting periodic data on a circle is not new. In fact it goes

Rick Wicklin 5
Count missing values in observations

Locating missing values is important in statistical data analysis. I've previously written about how to count the number of missing values for each variable in a data set. In Base SAS, I showed how to use the MEANS or FREQ procedures to count missing values. In the SAS/IML language, I

Rick Wicklin 2
Generating a random orthogonal matrix

Because I am writing a new book about simulating data in SAS, I have been doing a lot of reading and research about how to simulate various quantities. Random integers? Check! Random univariate samples? Check! Random multivariate samples? Check! Recently I've been researching how to generate random matrices. I've blogged

Rick Wicklin 0
ANY versus ALL: Testing the elements of a vector

The fundamental units in the SAS/IML language are matrices and vectors. Consequently, you might wonder about conditional expression such as if v>0 then.... What does this expression mean when v contains more than a single element? Evaluating vector expressions When you test a vector for some condition, expressions like v>0

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