I am pleased to announce that the fine folks at SAS Press have made Chapter 2 of my book, Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software available as a free PDF document.
The chapter is titled "Getting Started with the SAS/IML Matrix Programming Language," and it features
- More than 60 fully functional examples with output
- 25 tips for writing effective programs in the SAS/IML language
- Basic syntax for interacting with SAS/IML matrices, including creating matrices, indexing matrices, and comparing matrices
- Basic syntax for statistical programming in the SAS/IML language, including conditional statements, loops, and logical operators
If you are new to the SAS/IML language, this chapter is for you. However, I've been told by experienced programmers that they learned a few new tricks as well. Specifically, "old-timers" might want to look at Table 2.1, since some of these features were added to the SAS/IML language in SAS 9.2.