Imagine that you have one million rows of numerical data and you want to determine if a particular "target" value occurs. How might you find where the value occurs?
For univariate data, this is an easy problem. In the SAS DATA step you can use a WHERE clause or a subsetting IF statement to find the rows that contain the target value. In the SAS/IML language you can use the LOC function to find the rows.
For multivariate data, you can use a similar approach, except the code become messier. For example, suppose that you have a data set that contains five numeric variables and you want to test whether the 5-tuple (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) appears in the data. In the DATA step you might write the following statement:
if x1=1 & x2=2 & x3=3 & x4=4 & x5=5 then ...; |
A general mathematical principle is that a "target problem" is equivalent to a root-finding problem. The standard mathematical trick is to subtract the target value and then find zeros of the resulting set of numbers. This trick provides the basis for writing a general SAS/IML programs that is vectorized and that can handle an arbitrary number of variables. The following statements generate a matrix that has one million rows and five columns. Each element is an integer 0 through 9.
proc iml; call randseed(123); x = floor( 10*randfun({1e6 5}, "Uniform") ); /* matrix of values 0-9 */ |
Suppose that you want to find whether there is a row that matches the target value {1 2 3 4 5}. The following statements subtract the target value from the data and then find all rows for which the difference is the zero vector:
target = {1 2 3 4 5}; y = x - target; /* match target ==> y={0 0...0} */ count = (y=0)[,+]; /* count number of 0s in each row */ idx = loc(count=ncol(target)); /* rows that match target */ if ncol(idx)>0 then print "Target pattern found in " (ncol(idx)) " rows"; else print "Target pattern not found"; |

The variable idx contains the row numbers for which the pattern occurs. For this random integer matrix, the target pattern appeared four times. Other random matrices might have six, 12, or 15 rows that match the target. It is easy to show that in a random matrix with one million rows, the target value is expected to appear 10 times.
The example in this article shows how to search a numerical matrix for rows that have a particular value. For character matrices, you can use the ROWCATC function in SAS/IML to concatenate the column values into a single vector of strings. You can then use the LOC function to find the rows that match the pattern.