For each observation, find the variable that contains the minimum value


The other day I encountered an article in the SAS Knowledge Base that shows how to write a macro that "returns the variable name that contains the maximum or minimum value across an observation." Some people might say that the macro is "clever." I say it is complicated. This is a simple problem; it deserves a simple solution.

This is one of those situations where a SAS/IML implementation is simpler and cleaner than a macro/DATA step solution. The following DATA step creates the data that are used in the SAS Knowledge Base article:

/* Data for Sample 46471: Return the variable name that contains 
              the max or min value across an observation */
data one;
input a b c d e;
1    3  12   6 15
34 583 294 493  2

By inspection, the minimum value in the first row is 1, which occurs for the variable A. In the second row, the minimum value is 2, which occurs for the variable E.

To find the variable for each row that contains the minimum value for that row, you can use the index minimum subscript reduction operator, which has the symbol >:<. The subscript reduction operators are a little-known part of the SAS/IML language, but they can be very useful. The following SAS/IML program begins by reading all numerical variables into a matrix, X. The subscript reduction operator then computes a column vector whose ith element is the column for which the ith row of X is minimal. You can use this column vector as an index into the names of the columns of X.

/* For each row, find the variable name corresponding to the minimum value */
proc iml;
use one;
read all var _NUM_ into X[colname=VarNames];
close one;
idxMin = X[, >:<];         /* find columns for min of each row */
varMin = varNames[idxMin]; /* corresponding var names */
print idxMin varMin;

Yes, those two statements compute the same quantity as the complicated macro. And, if you are willing to nest the statements, you can combine them into a single statement:
varNames[X[, >:<]].

Finding the maximum value for each row is no more difficult: simply use the <:> subscript reduction operator.

The macro featured in the Knowledge Base article includes an option to compute with specified variables, rather than all numerical variables. That, too, is easily accomplished. For example, the following statements find the variable that has the largest value among the A, B, and C variables:

varNames = {a b c};
use one;
read all var varNames into X;
close one;
idxMax = X[,<:>];
varMax = varNames[idxMax];
print idxMax varMax;

My next post will discuss subscript reduction operators in further details.

To my readers who are SQL experts: Is there a simple way to solve this problem by using PROC SQL? Leave a comment.


About Author

Rick Wicklin

Distinguished Researcher in Computational Statistics

Rick Wicklin, PhD, is a distinguished researcher in computational statistics at SAS and is a principal developer of SAS/IML software. His areas of expertise include computational statistics, simulation, statistical graphics, and modern methods in statistical data analysis. Rick is author of the books Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software and Simulating Data with SAS.


  1. Neat tip. I'm DEFINITELY not a SQL expert. So I added a transpose step, then used SQL to grab the records of interest. Will look forward to seeing solution(s) from real SQL heads...

    data one;
    input a b c d e;
    id=_n_; *create an ID for the transpose;
    1 3 12 6 15
    34 583 294 493 2

    proc transpose data=one out=two;
    by id;

    proc sql;
    select id, _name_ from two
    group by id
    having col1=min(col1)

    id _NAME_
    1 a
    2 e

  2. I totally agree with you on that there are better ways than the macro in Sample 46471. Maybe the sample is written a long time ago, when the newer functions were not available yet. Assuming that the numeric values are not very similar to each other finding out the variable name of the max value within an obs takes only a few lines in the data step:

      ods _all_ close;
      ods listing;
      options nocenter;
      data one;
         input a b c d e;
      1    3  12   6 15
      34 583 294 493  2
      /* return the variable name that contains max value across on obs */
      data two;
        set one;
        array arr[*] a--e;
        length maxVar $32;
        maxVar = vname(arr[whichn(max(of arr[*]), of arr[*])]);
      proc print data=two;
        var maxVar;
      /* on lst
      Obs    Var
       1      e
       2      b
  3. This works too. IML is probably great, if you know IML. For me a data step is nice.
    DATA two;
    SET one;
    ARRAY nums [*] a b c d e;
    lowest=MIN(a, b, c, d, e);
    DO i=1 TO DIM(nums);
    IF nums[i]=lowest THEN lowestvar=VNAME(nums[i]);

    • Here's a small adaptation for datasets with a larger number of variables, when you don't want to list all of them. It also counts the number of times the minimum value occurs:

      data two; set one;
      array nums [*] _numeric_;
      lowest=min(of nums[*]);
      counter = 0;
      do i=1 to dim(nums);
      if nums[i]=lowest then do;
      lowestvar = vname(nums[i]);

  4. Hans-Ulrich on

    I imagine every method assumes there is always a unique minimum. When there isn't, do they all give the same partially right answer? Which method is best if you want to flag that there are ties?

  5. I'm stuck using a CASE WHEN statement, but I can use DICTIONARY.COLUMNS to get the column names associated with the minimum values. PROC SQL does not do array style processing, hence the complications.

    /* Data for Sample 46471: Return the variable name that contains
    the max or min value across an observation */
    data one;
    input a b c d e;
    1 3 12 6 15
    34 583 294 493 2
    SELECT MIN(a,b,c,d,e) AS MINVAL,
    WHEN (a = calculated MINVAL) THEN 1
    WHEN (b = calculated MINVAL) THEN 2
    WHEN (c = calculated MINVAL) THEN 3
    WHEN (d = calculated MINVAL) THEN 4
    WHEN (e = calculated MINVAL) THEN 5
    SELECT, uno.varnum,dos.minval
    ON uno.varnum=dos.colnum
    WHERE uno.libname='WORK' AND uno.memname='ONE'

  6. I have another question to expand on this topic-can you write code in which SAS can flag an observation with duplicate/tied maximum values. Say the dataset above is:
    data one;
    input ID a b c d e f;
    4563 1 3 12 6 15 15
    568 34 583 294 493 2 4
    34 4 56 3 90 1 90

    I still want to obtain the maximum of the variables (a-f) but want to flag those observations in which the max is tied as for ID 4563 and 34 so that I know those observations I need to examine in a separate dataset.

    Thank you, Cara

  7. How about these?

    Method 1: Using data step
    data two; set one;
    MinValue=min(of a--e);

    Method 2: Using proc sql
    proc sql;
    create table three as
    select *, min(a,b,c,d,e) as MinValue
    from one;

    If variable names are required programatically, proc contents could be used:
    proc contents out=one_c noprint; run;

    DICTIONARY.COLUMNS could also be used to get variable names. However, that might increase the processing time if your library is having a large number of tables.

    Now use an array variable to get the variable names in the desired format and use that in the data or the proc sql methods given above.

    So, Method 1 will now be:

    proc sql noprint;
    select strip(NAME) into :VarNameString2
    separated by '--'
    from one_c
    having VarNum =Min(VarNum) or VarNum =Max(VarNum)
    order by VarNum;

    data two_macro; set one;
    MinValue=min(of &VarNameString2);

    And Method 2 will be:

    proc sql noprint;
    select strip(NAME) into :VarNameString
    separated by ','
    from one_c
    order by VarNum;

    create table three_macro as
    select *, min(&VarNameString) as MinValue
    from one;

  8. Abhinav Srivastava on

    We can do this thing through array too..for eg.

    data a;
    input year jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec;

    1997 123 343 324 5434 3454 1212 654 3443 212 4564 123 555
    1998 253 2566 2535 5586 5595 9658 5874 5826 9562 9856 5585 5576
    1999 524 548 2132 2413 6888 9989 7767 5576 990 6567 9897 9899
    2000 3213 213 3122 3322 5434 7565 8759 8878 9494 4994 3233 2222

    data b ;
    set a;

    array mon(12) jan--dec;
    array var(12) $var1-var12('jan' 'feb' 'mar' 'apr' 'may' 'jun' 'jul'
    'aug' 'sep' 'oct' 'nov' 'dec');

    do i = 1 to 12;

    if max(of mon(*)) = mon(i) then Max = Var(i);

    We can always put all the variables in another array and access them with the same iterator as the Max.

    Or we can you vname() for the Variable name.

    data c;
    set a;

    array max(12) jan--dec;

    do i = 1 to 12;

    if max(of max(*)) = max(i) then Max = Vname(max(i)); /* This will return the variable name */

  9. Pingback: Determine whether a SAS product is licensed - The DO Loop

  10. id visit result newvalue
    01 1 30 .
    01 2 25 30
    01 3 45 25
    01 4 14 25
    01 5 5 14
    02 1 29 .
    02 2 13 29
    02 3 23 13
    02 4 34 13
    02 5 7 13

    creat the first three variable then min value creat newvalue then show upcase

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