How to create and detect an empty matrix


An empty matrix is a matrix that has zero rows and zero columns. At first "empty matrix" sounds like an oxymoron, but when programming in a matrix language such as SAS/IML, empty matrices arise surprisingly often.

Sometimes empty matrices occur because of a typographical error in your program. If you try to print or compute with a matrix that has not been defined, the SAS/IML program will usually display an error message:

proc iml;
print UndefinedMatrix;
            ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.

However, sometimes an empty matrix is the correct result of a valid computation. For example:

  • If you use the LOC function to find elements in a vector that satisfy a criterion, the empty matrix results when no elements satisfy the criterion:
    x = {2 4 6};
    y = loc(x < 0);         /* y is empty matrix */
  • If you use the XSECT function to find the intersection of two sets, the empty matrix results when the intersection is empty:
    y = xsect({1}, {2});    /* empty intersection of sets */
  • If you use the REMOVE function to remove elements of a matrix, the empty matrix results when you remove all elements:
    y = remove({2}, 1);     /* remove 1st element from 1x1 matrix */

In my book Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software, I mention that you can determine whether a matrix is empty by using one of three functions: TYPE, NROW, or NCOL, as follows:

print (type(y))[L="type"] (nrow(y))[L="nrow"] (ncol(y))[L="ncol"];
if ncol(y)=0 then print "y is empty";
else              print "y is not empty";

The output shows that the "type" of an empty matrix is 'U' (for "undefined"). In my book I use the NCOL function to test for empty matrices, but the other functions work just as well.

New function for detecting empty matrices

Recent releases of SAS/IML software support new ways to create and detect empty matrices:

  • In SAS/IML 12.1, you can use curly braces to define an empty matrix:
    y = {};                 /* y is an empty matrix */
  • In SAS/IML 12.3, you can use the ISEMPTY function to test whether a matrix is empty:
    if IsEmpty(y) then print "y is empty";  
    else               print "y is not empty";

I think that the new syntax produces SAS/IML programs that are easier to read and understand. Have you encountered empty matrices in your SAS/IML programs? Where? How did you handle them? Leave a comment.


About Author

Rick Wicklin

Distinguished Researcher in Computational Statistics

Rick Wicklin, PhD, is a distinguished researcher in computational statistics at SAS and is a principal developer of SAS/IML software. His areas of expertise include computational statistics, simulation, statistical graphics, and modern methods in statistical data analysis. Rick is author of the books Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software and Simulating Data with SAS.


  1. Pingback: Overview of new features in SAS/IML 12.3 - The DO Loop

  2. Pingback: What is an empty matrix? - The DO Loop

  3. Stephen Hillis on

    Hi Rick,
    Thanks so much for this information. I had the need to compute covariance for partially paired data, where two readers each read some of the same but some different cases, and I would determine the the shared cases using the intersection or location function. But I needed a way to indicate when that resulted in the empty set. So, you had just the information I needed.
    Really appreciate your posts about IML. Just bought your two books a couple of weeks ago. Keep up the good work -- it is greatly appreciated!

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