The power operators: Powers of matrices and matrix elements


I received the following question:

In the DATA step I always use the ** operator to raise a values to a power, like this: x**2. But on your blog I you use the ## operator to raise values to a power in SAS/IML programs. Does SAS/IML not support the ** operator? Why do you always use ## instead?

The answer is that ** and ## are two different operators. The SAS/IML language supports both operators. The SAS DATA step, which only handles scalar quantities, uses the ** operator for raising values to a power.

  • The ## operator is the elementwise power operator. If A is a matrix of any shape, E=A##p is a matrix with the same dimensions. The (i,j)th element of E is the (i,j)th element of A raised to the pth power. For the ## operator, the power p can be any number (positive, zero, or negative) and does not have to be an integer.
  • The ** operator is the matrix power operator. If A is a matrix, A**p multiplies A by itself p times. For the ** operator, the power p is usually a nonnegative integer, although p = –1 is handled as special cases. The matrix A must be square.

Compare the following SAS/IML statements that demonstrate each power operator:

proc iml;
A = {1 2,
     3 4};
E1 = A##2; /* powers of elements */
M1 = A**2; /* matrix multiplication */
print E1[label="A##2"] M1[label="A**2"];

The output shows that the first matrix contains the elements of A raised to the second power, whereas the second is the matrix product A*A.

How do these operators behave if the power is positive but not an integer? The ## operator raises each element to the specified power, which is well-defined provided that the elements of A are not negative. The ** operator truncates the power to an integer, which gives the same result as A**2, as shown in the following example:

E2 = A##2.5; /* powers of elements */
M2 = A**2.5; /* truncates to integer */
print E2[label="A##2.5"] M2[label="A**2.5"];

If the power is negative, the elementwise power operator (##) is still well-defined (again assuming that the elements of A are not negative), but the ** operator usually returns an error:

E3 = A##(-2); /* powers of elements */
M3 = A**(-2); /* ERROR! */
print E3[label="A##(-2)"];

However, it is possible to use the ** operator to "raise a matrix to the –1 power." By convention, this matrix operation is interpreted as the matrix inverse. In other words A**(-1) is equivalent to INV(A).

E4 = A##(-1); /* powers of elements */
M4 = A**(-1); /* matrix inverse */
print E4[label="A##(-1)"] M4[label="A**(-1)=INV(A)"];

What does the SAS/IML language do if A is a scalar (1 x 1) quantity? Try it yourself! You'll discover that the ** and the ## operators are equivalent in that case.


About Author

Rick Wicklin

Distinguished Researcher in Computational Statistics

Rick Wicklin, PhD, is a distinguished researcher in computational statistics at SAS and is a principal developer of SAS/IML software. His areas of expertise include computational statistics, simulation, statistical graphics, and modern methods in statistical data analysis. Rick is author of the books Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software and Simulating Data with SAS.

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