In Base SAS you can use the DATASETS procedure to determine the SAS data sets in a library, and you can use the DELETE statement to delete data sets. Did you know that you can do the same operations from within the SAS/IML language?
The following DATA step creates four SAS data sets, each with one observation:
data a b c d; x=1; run; |
In Base SAS, you can use the following statements to list the data sets in the WORK library:
proc datasets library=work; run; |
The DATASETS procedure is an interactive procedure (like PROC IML), so the procedure is still active after a RUN statement. You can submit the following statements to delete the WORK.A data set:
delete a; run; |
You can perform similar operations from within the SAS/IML language. For example, the following statements use the EXIST function in Base SAS to check whether WORK.B exists. If so, the DELETE subroutine deletes the data set.
proc iml; if exist("b") then call delete("work", "b"); |
You can also use the DATASETS function in SAS/IML to determine which data sets exist in a library:
ds = datasets("work"); print ds; |
A new feature in SAS/IML 9.22 is that you can call the DELETE subroutine to delete all data sets specified in a vector:
call delete(ds); |
If you are using a version of SAS/IML prior to 9.22, you have to call the DELETE subroutine in a loop to delete multiple data sets.
Pingback: Cleaning up after yourself: Deleting data sets - The DO Loop
I am new to sas I am looking for a drop statement using sas proc select.
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