Vectors that have a fractional number of elements


The title of this article makes no sense. How can the number of elements (in fact, the number of anything!) not be a whole number? In fact, it can't. However, the title refers to the fact that you might compute a quantity that ought to be an integer, but is not an integer when computed by using floating-point arithmetic.

Most programmers are aware of examples of finite-precision numerical arithmetic that seem to violate mathematical truths. One of my favorite examples is that (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) ≠ 0.3 in finite precision arithmetic:

data _null_;
x = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1;
y = 0.3;
if x=y then put "x = y";
else put "x is not equal to y";

This is a classic example from computer science that shows why you should avoid testing floating-point values for equality. Furthermore, if you add 0.1 a multiple of 10 times, you will not obtain an integer. This example is not unique, so you should use a truncation function such as ROUND, INT, FLOOR, or CEIL if you need to ensure that a floating-point computation results in an integer.

With that example in mind, let's return to the title of this blog post. A SAS programmer asked on the SAS Support Communities why a SAS/IML vector had a smaller number of elements than he had asked for. After looking at his computation, I realized that he had computed the number of elements by summing a series of floating-point values. Mathematically, the sum should have been 7, but in floating-point arithmetic the value was 6.99999.

So what happens if you ask PROC IML for a vector with 6.99999 elements? The software truncates the number, and you get a vector with 6 elements, as shown by the following program:

proc iml;
n = 6.99999;
v = j(n, 1);    /* allocate a vector with n elements */
print "The vector has " (nrow(v)) " elements";

A more accurate title for this article might be "What do you get if you ask for a vector that has a fractional number of elements?" The answer is that you get a vector where the number of elements is the truncation of the number that you specified. If you ever find yourself in this situation, you can use the ROUND function to round, rather than truncate, the non-integer value.

There are other operations in SAS (for example, subscripting an array) that similarly truncate non-integer values. However, there is no need to fear an "unexpected truncation" because most programmers do not sum up fractional values when they specify indices and dimensions. Of course, when you use integer-valued functions such as NROW, NCOL, and LENGTH to specify a dimension, then you get what you expect.

In closing, analyze this DATA step that intentionally uses fractional values to index into an array. Do you think it runs? What values do you think are assigned to the array? Is this example interesting or an abomination?

data A(drop=h);
array x[5];
/* index variable takes on fractional values */
do h = 1 to 5 by 0.5;  
  x[h] = h;
proc print; run;

About Author

Rick Wicklin

Distinguished Researcher in Computational Statistics

Rick Wicklin, PhD, is a distinguished researcher in computational statistics at SAS and is a principal developer of SAS/IML software. His areas of expertise include computational statistics, simulation, statistical graphics, and modern methods in statistical data analysis. Rick is author of the books Statistical Programming with SAS/IML Software and Simulating Data with SAS.

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