Tag: JMP 9

The People Behind JMP Software: John Schroedl

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP team. Earlier interviews have been with Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster and Bob Hickey and John Sall and Melanie Drake and Duane Hayes and Nicole Jones. Since December 2006, John Schroedl has been among the developers

People Behind JMP Genomics: Lili Li

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP Genomics software development team, who recently released JMP Genomics 5. Last week, we heard from statistical developer Wendy Czika and life sciences product manager Shannon Conners. Lili Li is a software developer in the JMP Genomics group. She

The People Behind JMP Software: Nicole Jones

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP team. Earlier interviews have been with Xan Gregg, Chung-Wei Ng and Laura Lancaster and Bob Hickey and John Sall and Melanie Drake and Duane Hayes. Nicole Jones manages the testing team at JMP. She has been at JMP

You Can Look at the Menu, But You Just Can't Eat

The release of JMP 9 has gone smoothly, for the most part. Many folks are excited by the new mapping features and the prospects of JMP add-ins. But there's one area we know you may find puzzling. The biggest change for most JMP users is the new interface on Windows.

People Behind JMP Genomics: Shannon Conners

This interview is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP Genomics software development team, who recently released JMP Genomics 5. Earlier this week, we heard from statistical developer Wendy Czika. Today, we meet Shannon Conners, life sciences product manager. You may have seen her byline here at the

Getting Familiar with JMP Genomics 5

There is so much that is new to share about JMP Genomics 5! Beyond its rich library of prebuilt analysis interfaces and graphics for genomics data, JMP Genomics offers our users full access to all the new features offered by the JMP 9 platform. I highly recommend that JMP Genomics

What's New in JMP 9 Documentation

When I looked at the list of books that came with JMP 9, I noticed interesting changes, which the JMP documentation team (Susan Conaghan, Melanie Drake, Jonathan Gatlin and Sheila Loring) explained to me. The changes are part of their ongoing project to upgrade JMP documentation. Here's how you can

Got JMP 8? You Can Map, Too

By now, you are probably aware that JMP 9 delivers some cool new mapping features. I definitely encourage you to experience them firsthand. However, if you still use JMP 8, or have a colleague who has not upgraded to JMP 9 yet, a new script on the JMP.com file exchange

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