Tag: JMP 9

The People Behind the Software: Laura Lancaster

This is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we near the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. In previous interviews, I talked with Xan Gregg and Chung-Wei Ng. Laura Lancaster is a statistical developer at JMP. She has been with JMP for six

The People Behind the Software: Chung-Wei Ng

This is part of a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. In a previous interview, I talked with Xan Gregg. Last year, when it was the 20th birthday of JMP, I saw some photos of the JMP

What Factors Affect Office Temperature? Creating Custom Maps

This post is the third in a series that shows how we conducted an observational study about office temperatures, from design to execution to analysis and visualization. See Part I and Part II. In the previous two posts, we discussed the design and execution of an observational study about what

The People Behind JMP Software: Xan Gregg

This is the first in a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. Unless you go to events such as the Discovery Summit where attendees get to meet JMP developers in person, you probably know little about the

Train, Validate and Test for Data Mining in JMP

Data mining is looking for patterns and relationships in (sometimes large volumes of) data. Many methods, such as recursive partitioning and neural nets, are extremely sensitive to the sample of data being mined. How do you know if you are creating a model that would be useful for predicting future

John Sall Attends Inaugural French JMP Users Group Meeting

About 60 JMP users gathered for the first-ever French JMP Users Group on June 30 in Toulouse, France, to exchange knowledge and share their experiences with one another. This inaugural meeting was hosted by Freescale Semiconductor whose Quality Director Frédéric Puel warmly welcomed John Sall, SAS co-founder and chief architect

JMP Customer Herzenberg Lab Wins Computerworld Honor

Congratulations to Leonard and Leonore Herzenberg, co-founders of the Herzenberg Laboratory at Stanford University. The lab is a 2010 Laureate of the Computerworld Honors Program. JMP has a longstanding relationship with the Herzenberg Lab, which is famous for its work in developing Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting technology. It is the lab's

Mapping SAS Global Forum Attendees

How wonderful it must be to be so comfortable with a beta version of your software that you can demo it in front of thousands of SAS power users! That’s what my colleague, Jon Weisz, just did at SAS Global Forum’s Technology Connection. And he did so quite impressively, I

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