Tag: Graph Builder

Dual-scaled jobs chart deconstructed, part 2

In my previous post, I examined how the dual scales on this jobs chart are sending an inaccurate message. But my efforts to remake alternate graphs from the raw data revealed another source of message corruption. Reading the graph text closely, you see that the red line is really an

Visualizing pregnancy and post-baby weight loss with Graph Builder

My first favorite visualization from my JMP Discovery Summit poster was a multiple-element Graph Builder creation that tracked my weight trends through pregnancy, post-baby weight loss, and two and half years of weight maintenance. This seems like an especially appropriate time of year to share this graph since  so many New Year's resolutions include weight

Coming in JMP 12: Graph Builder improvements

Ease-of-use and convenience functionality have been the focus of graphics work for JMP 12. The most prominent ease-of-use change is the drop zones in Graph Builder, which now light up whenever you're dragging something in. Now everyone can find the "secret" drop zone just inside the axis. It even has a

Where are they now? How blog posts fare over time

As I approach the one-year anniversary of my first post for this blog, I’ve grown interested in how the popular JMP Blog posts from the past have done in the years that follow. In other words, do the popular posts continue to be popular? A good starting point for an

See optimal settings with JMP Pareto Efficient Frontier

Pareto Efficient Frontier (PEF) is becoming an increasingly popular tool for measuring and selecting project or design parameters that will yield the highest value at the lowest risk. PEF is being used widely in many industrial areas, such as when selecting the best exploration projects in oil and gas, finding

Make your empty plots in Graph Builder go away

Graph Builder gets a lot of attention in the JMP Blog and from our customers because it is so flexible. People really like to stretch what it can do and create graphs that communicate with their peers in compelling ways. Recently, a customer asked me whether it was possible to

Get more from Graph Builder: Points with error bars

Error bars are a great way to visually show the variability in your data. They are often seen overlaid on top of bars and points, and a wide range of error bar views is available in Graph Builder in JMP. To see what's possible, let's first build a bar chart

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