Tag: Data Visualization

The People Behind JMP Software: Xan Gregg

This is the first in a series of Q&As with the JMP development team as we approach the release of JMP 9 on Oct. 12. Unless you go to events such as the Discovery Summit where attendees get to meet JMP developers in person, you probably know little about the

What Factors Affect Office Temperature? A Design in JMP

Weekday summer afternoons will usually find me in my office, huddled under a blanket. I work on the fourth floor of Building S on the SAS campus, with most of the other JMP staff. It seems cold in my office in the afternoons, especially in summer. I’ve discovered I’m not

JMP for Not Quite Dummies

I’ve always found the title of the book series "for Dummies" somewhat insulting. However, during many of the webcasts JMP offers, we get asked the question, “Is there a JMP for Dummies book?” Two SAS authors, Curt Hinrichs and Chuck Boiler, just released a concise illustrated guide that comes close.

Graph Builder in JMP: A Short Demo and Tutorial

Graph Builder is among the easiest and most versatile platforms in JMP. In this short demo (duration: 04:19 | opens in a new window), extracted from a longer demo given by JMP Systems Engineer Sam Gardner, you see how to: Analyze data and visualize results by dragging variables into the

A Demo on Visualization with Bubble Plots in JMP

Bubble Plots in JMP are a good way to analyze and visualize the relationship between three or more variables, especially if you want to analyze over time or over any other continuous variable. JMP Systems Engineer Sam Gardner gave a brief demo (duration: 04:19 | opens in a new window)

How On-Time Are the Airlines? A Frequent Flier's Story

During my last trip home from a JMP customer visit, my flight was delayed getting out of Raleigh, North Carolina, due to mechanical problems. This caused me to miss my connection in Philadelphia, and I ended up with a six-hour layover awaiting the next flight home to Rochester, New York,

XKCD Dominant Color Map in JMP

In March, I wrote about using visualizations in JMP to inspect the quality of a couple of color name data sets (Part 1 & Part 2). This week, xkcd author Randall Munroe has posted the results of his own color name survey, including some demographic information about each participant. He

University Student Used JMP in Research That Won Prize

Until recently, Emma Lookabaugh had never even heard of JMP. After using it for the first time this spring in an award-winning research project, she has become a fan. Emma is a senior at NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, not far from JMP offices at SAS headquarters. Hailing

Visual Analytics and JMP

I'm at SAS Global Forum this week in Seattle, where I'm doing a couple of Super Demos on Visual Analytics and presenting a data visualization paper. In preparation for the conference and my paper, I looked into the term "Visual Analytics." In 2004, the US Department of Homeland Security chartered

Mapping SAS Global Forum Attendees

How wonderful it must be to be so comfortable with a beta version of your software that you can demo it in front of thousands of SAS power users! That’s what my colleague, Jon Weisz, just did at SAS Global Forum’s Technology Connection. And he did so quite impressively, I

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