Tag: Data Visualization

Discovering unreported adverse events using your findings data

When designing case report forms (CRFs) for a clinical trial, it is important to minimize or eliminate redundancies in the collected information. Such redundancies can lead to inconsistencies that require a query to the clinical site for resolution. In a poorly designed CRF, data conflicts can be so numerous that

Speeding up exploration with John Sall

Well, Wall Street cares so much about making fast decisions that it is laying dedicated high-speed lines so that the data for program trades can be processed faster and orders executed more quickly. If Wall Street can do all this in milliseconds, won’t it make a difference to you to

Summarizing the incidence of adverse events

The analysis of adverse events (AEs) suffers from the problem of dimensionality. It is impossible to predict what AEs will occur on study, and there are often numerous events by study’s end. Typically, the incidence of adverse events is summarized in tables, with events coded by a medical dictionary, such

A process for statistical discovery with JMP

When working with users new to JMP, I find it helpful to have a simple process to guide statistical discovery. We statisticians could debate the process of statistical discovery for a long time, but I find the process presented in Figure 1 works for most situations. Assuming we have already

WildTrack wows crowd at SAS Austin office

Sky Alibhai and Zoe Jewell, wildlife biologists and founders of WildTrack, were a bit hit at the SAS Austin office Sept. 23. They showed their work in applying JMP customization, visualization and analytics to study animal footprints in order to find a better way to track endangered species.  Sky and Zoe

JMP helped me decide between Netflix and Qwikster

The Internet is all abuzz, aflutter and atwitter lately about Netflix’s recent decisions to raise prices and split its well-known DVD-mail service off into a new service called Qwikster. I’m not immune to the hype, and since my last Netflix charge came in at over $25, I've been wondering if

Fantasy baseball’s JMP Yankees victorious again!

Well, another fantasy baseball season has come and gone in the Synthetic Chemicals Baseball League. I am pleased to report that the JMP Yankees have taken the 2011 title. This eight-team league was formed in 1988, and this is the 13th championship for the JMP Yankees franchise in the 23-year

New topics for Mastering JMP webcasts this autumn

The autumn lineup of live Mastering JMP webcasts is set. And if you are one of the 2,000+ JMP users who attended a live webcast during the first half of 2011, you'll notice some new topics: • Sept. 29: Finding the Best Predictive Model for Your Data • Oct. 6:

Creating a custom location map in JMP 9

Ever wanted to create a custom map in JMP using your own custom location coordinates? Perhaps you want to map out a new building or landscaping effort so you can visually analyze the project data in JMP. Or perhaps you want to be able to see a layout of your organization’s operations

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