Tag: Data Visualization

Summer Games 2012 – athlete analytics with JMP

The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Summer Games begins today and while looking for news about the games, events and the schedule, I found an interesting set of blog posts on The Guardian website, which made available several data sets relating to the games. The author of this article,

Visualization of fuel economy vs. performance

Consumers Union publishes a report called “Fuel economy vs. performance” in which the organization provides a table of data to “prove” that “You don't always have to give up engine performance in return for good fuel economy.” While I greatly appreciate having the raw data, a graphic visualization would go

Data Analysis with Facebook Insights and JMP

Are you a Facebook Platform developer or Page owner? Have you explored how much traffic flows through your page, how many people share your posts, or what posts receive the most attention? As you probably know, Facebook has developed an excellent feature for compiling traffic data. Facebook Insights provides platform

Dangers of endangered species matchmaking

What a great headline: “Date Night at the Zoo, if Rare Species Play Along.” This New York Times story got my attention because I love date night. I also love many different species of animals – many of which are, sadly, threatened or endangered. This article is a great reminder

How can Bradley Wiggins win Tour de France?

For those who follow such things, professional cycling proves to be fascinating. And July is the best month of all, since it features the three-week long Tour de France, a wonderful extravaganza of athleticism, endurance and marketing hype. For the first time ever, pundits are touting a rider from Great

Observations from 1st Predictive Analytics World in Chicago

Analysts of all stripes attended Chicago’s first Predictive Analytics World (PAW), where JMP was a sponsor. We talked to attendees about design of experiments, Six Sigma, graphics and spatial analysis, data visualization and other topics in addition to predictive analytics. For me, the highlights of PAW were many: Matt Flynn

'Fresh insights from people data' at Sears

Koren Ichihara is a psychologist, not a statistician. But she took the stage Monday at Predictive Analytics World in Chicago to talk about the value of analytics in her job as Senior Analyst for HR Analytics at Sears Holdings Corp. With 4,000 stores, 250,000 employees and a corporate family that

Creating micromaps in JMP

Editor's Note: This blog post first appeared in August 2011, at the end of blogger Jennifer Baulier's summer internship. We are republishing her blog post now that JMP 10 has been released and the Micromaps add-in discussed in the post is now available in the JMP File Exchange. JMP 10

10 tips for making analytics converts out of your colleagues

From the Analytically Speaking panel discussion this morning -- a live webcast I watched with hundreds of other people -- I picked up a multitude of strategies for helping co-workers, managers and executives become comfortable with using analytics to inform decision-making. Here are 10 of my favorite tips from that discussion: Start

The beauty of diversity in analytics

I recently gave a short talk at Predictive Analytics World in DC called “Analytics: The Beauty of Diversity.” Having just met with a wonderful group of customers a few weeks ago on the JMP Customer Advisory Board, I noticed that some of the same themes appeared: diversity of perspectives and

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