Tag: Data Visualization

Learn to lower costs through visual analytics

Now and then, we put on seminars that focus on showing people how to reduce costs by using visual analytics. These popular seminars are coming to Omaha, Nebraska, on Oct. 15 and the St. Louis, Missouri, area on Oct. 17. I spoke with the two guys who will be presenting at

The UK is jumpin’ for JMP!

The last week of September is going to be manic for JMP in the UK because we’ve got two fantastic events going on. I am delighted to say that the UK JMP User Forum on 27 September will be hosting SAS co-founder and JMP inventor, John Sall. His keynote speech

Just in time for big data: Graphicacy levels rising

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared in an International Institute of Analytics blog and is cross-posted here because of its likely appeal to JMP Blog readers. As someone who studied economics, I came to appreciate the amount of information that can be nicely distilled into a well-chosen graph — relationships with

Fighting crime using geospatial analysis in JMP

I’ve been looking into crime − 9,134 rows of crime to be exact. After reading about geospatial analysis of crime in The Police Chief magazine, I decided to do this in JMP. So, I downloaded all of the individual crime incidents from April 2012 from the San Francisco government data website. Then, I began

JMP videos on YouTube

Working with JMP the other day, I wanted to further analyze the output data in a JMP report, but wasn’t sure how to create a new data table that factored in multiple data sets. Browsing the JMP YouTube channel, I came across Amelia Volger’s most recent how-to video, “How to

Lighten up! There is a story in there somewhere...

Let's face it, big data means lots of points.  On the rare occasion when JMP data analysis software creates a graph that displays large areas of dense data,  consider using the transparency setting to decrease the saturation of the individual points. In my latest "Have You Tried" video (1:22), you

Data visualization of funding of 2012 Summer Games

The Guardian, a London newspaper, recently published a blog post, "What's the Real Price of the Olympic Games?" that showed the sources of funding and use of those funds for the 2012 Games. The blog post included an interactive graph, shown below: A viewer could click on one of the

Top 5 posts about JMP 10

JMP 10 was released about four months ago, and our bloggers have told you about it in a multitude of posts. Which posts appealed the most to readers? I took a look back and picked out the top five posts about JMP 10 based on the number of views, comments,

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