Tag: Data Visualization

Improve your Numbersense with this new book

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Kaiser Fung has a new book out: Numbersense: How to Use Big Data to Your Advantage. I've read it and enjoyed it. It's helped me become a more critical consumer of analytical information, which is the aim of Kaiser's book. Here's an excerpt

An add-in to combine map shapes

With JMP, you can easily show data geographically with maps. However, you can only show your data if the regions you want to show exactly match up with the regions JMP has in its installed maps, or any maps you might have. This makes showing data by larger divisions, like

JMP add-in for statistical dot plots

JMP has a rather straightforward distribution analysis using histograms accompanied with various statistics such as mean, standard deviation and the quantiles. But if you care about gaps in your data, whether small or large, histograms might not be your best bet. Another basic statistical tool, the dot plot, can reveal

Oh, the places you’ll go with findings data in JMP Clinical

A recent post by Richard Zink highlighted the Shift plots process in JMP Clinical software. Shift plots (and shift tables, a recent enhancement to JMP Clinical 4.1) are a key analysis for data from SDTM findings domains (e.g., laboratory, vital signs, etc.), according the FDA ICH E3 guidance. JMP Clinical

Understanding shift plots in JMP Clinical

JMP Clinical has several features to summarize records from SDTM Findings domains, data that result from “planned evaluations to address specific tests or questions.” In other words, this includes any data from the myriad of tests or procedures that are performed as part of the doctor’s examination: laboratory tests, ECG

JMP 11 graph puzzler

JMP 11 has many data visualization updates, and a few of them are featured in the following graph of solar array data. Can you identify the new features? Before giving the answers, I’ll mention a few other prominent JMP 11 features, some of which we’ll blog more about when JMP

Using JMP to visualize Voting Rights Act ruling

On June 25, the Supreme Court ruled on the case of Shelby County v. Holder, declaring part of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 unconstitutional in a 5-4 vote. The VRA had established a formula that identified certain counties, cities and local governments as subject to a "preclearance" provision

USA Ultimate US Open 2013 turnover ratios

I spent the long Independence Day weekend volunteering at the USA Ultimate US Open, held in Raleigh, NC, this year. My main job was scorekeeper, though I also did some field setup. The hardest part was just standing in the sun all day, but that was better than rainstorms like we

The well-appointed analytic workbench

What do I mean by “analytic workbench?” Basically, the compute-resource environment with which data analysis takes place. How would you describe some of the analytic workbenches in your organization? Not everyone is a power analyst, so not everyone requires power tools. But all of us deal with data at some

Visualization of life sciences data

Recently, Georges Grinstein, head of the Bioinformatics Program and Co-Director of the Institute for Visualization and Perception Research at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, was in our studios hosting a webcast and promoting his upcoming seminar Exploring Data Visualization in Life Sciences Research. I had a chance to sit down

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