Tag: Data Visualization

Music library visualizations

This weekend while I was importing some new music on my computer, I found myself manually searching through my Apple® iTunes library to figure out which artists were represented most heavily in my music collection. During this process, it occurred to me that a visual in JMP might be a

What-if analysis with JMP (no spreadsheets) -- Part 5

Last week, I showed how the Excel Add-In for JMP can bring more value to Excel spreadsheets for what-if analysis and optimization. Today, we’ll look at how using that same data from within JMP alone is more elegant. First, let’s look at the Excel spreadsheet from last week's post (see

What chocolate is best for Valentine’s Day? Not cocoa powder

As Valentine’s Day approaches, a wise person starts thinking about what gift to give to their loved ones. Chocolate is always a popular gift. And as a homeschooling parent, I try to turn many things into lessons. How could I turn chocolate into a lesson for my children, and how

Scenario-based planning & optimization in Excel & JMP -- Part 4

Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the rise of Excel’s usage and popularity, and I've noted that Excel has made forays into analytics. Today, we’ll look at one type of analysis: scenario-based planning and optimization. Using Excel add-ins, you can create what-if analysis and scenario-based planning using Monte

More spreadsheet challenges -- Part 3

Last week, we looked at the first scenario in our example showing some guesswork that Excel performs when adding to existing data that are included in a formula. This week, we’ll look at Scenarios 1b and 2, which further show the behavior of Excel after rows are inserted within a

Strengths and weaknesses of spreadsheets -- Part 2

Last week, I shared some of the many stories about errors in Excel spreadsheets that led to misinformation and to a  path toward incorrect decisions. Today, we’ll explore why such errors can be potentially pervasive. The power of the spreadsheet has always been its interactive ease of use. It allows

Why spreadsheets can lead to error -- Part 1

In 2010, esteemed Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published the paper “Growth in a Time of Debt.” It soon became powerful supporting evidence for those who argued against growing government spending, even in times of needed economic stimulation. The paper looked at the debt levels of many different

New in JMP 11: Make Binning Formula

JMP 11 provides a convenient way to convert a continuous numeric column into a new column that represents a sequence of ranges. The command is called Make Binning Formula in the Columns menu. It brings up a dialog that lets you interactively choose the binning parameters (offset and width) and

How it works: Interactive HTML in JMP 11

Interactive HTML is a new technology for sharing results in JMP 11. In a previous post, I showed these examples: Diamonds (Distribution Analysis) Movies (Multivariate Analysis) Sales per Employee (Fitted Model) In this post, I want to describe in more detail how to use this new feature. There are two

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