Tag: Academic

Celebrating statisticians: More on Gertrude Cox

Gertrude Cox is indeed an influential statistician worthy of recognition in this International Year of Statistics. She was also part of my family, my maternal grandmother’s sister. I decided one day to learn more about her and spent numerous hours in the North Carolina University Library Archives where a colleague

Celebrating statisticians: Gertrude Cox

This month, we celebrate Gertrude Mary Cox, one of the pioneers of academic statistics departments in the United States and one of the first female statisticians. She has been dubbed the "First Lady of Statistics." Her efforts were fundamental to the development of the vibrant statistics community in the Research

Job posting: Academic Ambassador for West Coast

What is this position? As the JMP Academic Ambassador, you will build and maintain strategic working relationships by networking with top academic programs that produce JMP users in order to further our JMP Academic Program. What will your responsibilities include? Your responsibilities will include: Driving wider use of JMP at

Here's how to share your JMP Preferences

Have you ever been in this situation? You’re teaching a class using JMP, and you’d like all of your students to have the same Preferences. For example, you’d like everyone to have large markers and horizontal histograms. Or, perhaps you’d like certain statistics or graphical features to display each time you run an

Marginal Model Plot Add-in for JMP

If you attended this year’s Discovery conference, you may recall Dr. Sheather’s enlightening presentation on marginal model plots. Now, you can easily create marginal model plots in JMP with the Marginal Model Plot Add-in. Marginal model plots are a great addition to your model assessment toolbox — particularly in cases

Introducing the one-click bootstrap in JMP Pro

One of the great new features in JMP Pro, Version 10, is the one-click bootstrap. Most tables of results in analytical platforms have a new item in their context (right-click) menus, called Bootstrap. Selecting this item will bring up a small dialog with some options. Once you click OK, JMP will perform a

Hunter and Salsburg on how statistics has evolved

With the International Year of Statistics quickly approaching, what better way to prepare ourselves than by gaining a little perspective from those who have helped to shape the world of statistics in the last century? This past summer, JMP's Senior Director of Analytic Strategy Anne Milley and I took a

Probability functions in the JMP Scripting Index

At the recent JMP Discovery Summit, I overheard a conversation between a professor and one of the JMP developers, Clay Barker. The professor was interested in understanding tools available for generating distributions in JMP. My first thought (although I was just a fly on the wall) was to suggest the

JMP videos on YouTube

Working with JMP the other day, I wanted to further analyze the output data in a JMP report, but wasn’t sure how to create a new data table that factored in multiple data sets. Browsing the JMP YouTube channel, I came across Amelia Volger’s most recent how-to video, “How to

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