Looking at Summer Games data with JMP

You might say I love sports. I began swimming at a very early age and participated on swim teams for many years. Gymnastics, volleyball, softball, basketball and even track teams were all part of my life, and I loved playing and competing. So maybe that is why I always love

When are the Summer Games, historically?

The Summer Games are over, and here's one thing that surprised me. I had assumed that since Rio is in the southern hemisphere, where it’s currently winter, the Games would be shifted a couple months, as they were for Sydney. I’ve since learned that Rio is very pleasant in the winter

Former RSS president on statistics and science

I’ve had the opportunity to hear The Improbability Principle author David Hand speak three times now, most recently at Discovery Summit Europe in Amsterdam. We are featuring this particular talk on Analytically Speaking, Sept. 14, at 1 p.m. ET. As a child, Hand thought a scientist unearthed dinosaurs before lunch

JMP 13 Preview: New MaxDiff platform for consumer research

MaxDiff (maximum difference scaling) is a new platform in JMP 13 that will be helpful to anyone who does consumer research. It enables a specialized type of choice model where respondents are asked to evaluate items (product attributes, …) in sets of three to five, choosing the most preferred and least

At Discovery Summit, JMP users show how to solve problems

Most Discovery Summit attendees name the user-led breakout sessions as a top reason for attending the conference. There’s a lot of value in these talks, which showcase first-rate statistical techniques and novel applications of the software. Presenters will share real-world case studies about how they’ve used JMP to solve problems,

Making sense of sensor data with JMP

Scientists and engineers who work with high-density sensors face data problems that can make getting insights from data more challenging. Whether you’re trying to make sense of information from industrial devices living on the Internet of Things or monitoring health and fitness parameters, JMP provides an ideal sandbox for sifting

JMP 13 Preview: The power of the new Virtual Join

Have you ever wanted to include data in an analysis without having to subset it from different tables and put it all together in a new table? Have you wanted to “see” how your data will come together before committing to joining many tables to make sure you get it

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