Tag: Statistics

Results of our designed experiment: Tasty iced tea

In my previous post, I described an experiment that my wife and I conducted to find a method for making delicious iced tea with juice. The factors we looked at were these: Tea type: black tea or oolong Steep method: hot water vs. cold water Steep time: short (5 minutes

What statistical details do you want documented?

The documentation for JMP must meet the needs of JMP users with a diverse set of backgrounds. The needs of one group of users can differ markedly from the needs of another group. For instance, some users report that there is too much statistical jargon in the documentation, while others

Discovery Summit Europe live blog: Bradley Jones and Peter Goos

On the second full day of Discovery Summit Europe,  Bradley Jones, JMP Principal Research Fellow, and Peter Goos, Professor of Technology at the University of Antwerp, deliver a keynote speech on design of experiments. View the live blog of this speech. See photos and tweets from the conference at jmp.com/live.

Discovery Summit Europe live blog: Dick De Veaux

Williams College statistics professor and data mining expert Dick De Veaux gives a keynote speech at Discovery Summit Europe 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. View the live blog of this speech. See photos and tweets from the conference at jmp.com/live.

Discovery Summit Europe live blog: John Sall and Chris Gotwalt

JMP creator John Sall, who is also SAS Co-Founder and EVP,  gives the opening keynote speech of Discovery Summit Europe 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. Sall is joined by Chris Gotwalt, Director of Statistical R&D for JMP, in a speech titled "Addressing the Challenges of Data Variety." The speech marks the

Coming in JMP 12: New features in DOE

The design of experiments (DOE) development group at JMP has been busy working on the upcoming version of the software, so I cannot mention every new thing in one short blog post. Here, I will cover a few important new features. Speaking of covering, the most exciting new feature supports

Happy little trees: An updated Forest Plot Add-In

Recently, I experienced an event that brought me back to my childhood. I was having dinner at my brother's house with my sons. The television was on, and at some point Bob Ross' show "The Joy of Painting" came on the air.  If you've never experienced the show, it is

John Sall named AAAS Fellow for contributions to statistical sciences, software

John Sall, SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. Sall was elected “for distinguished and visionary contributions to statistical sciences and software development, having the greatest impact on businesses, education, engineering

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