Tag: Statistics

Turning data into action at JMP Discovery Summit

At a recent meeting with Alan Brown of Syngenta, one of the world’s leading agribusinesses, he described how his role has evolved from being a chemist into being a global statistical troubleshooter. In this role, Alan helps other parts of Syngenta, notably production, to increase yields and resolve problems through

Bradley Jones co-authors new design of experiments book

A new book by Bradley Jones, principal research fellow, and Peter Goos is out this week: Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach. “Design of experiments is a powerful tool for understanding systems and processes….Our view is that optimal design of experiments is an appropriate tool in virtually any

Draw your models with a new SAS application for JMP

SAS® Structural Equation Modeling for JMP® is a new application that enables researchers to use SAS and JMP to draw models by using an interface that is built on the SAS/STAT® CALIS procedure. To create models in SAS Structural Equation Modeling for JMP, you simply drag variables into the diagram

Meet keynote speaker David Salsburg

On Thursday, Sept. 15, at Discovery Summit in Denver, our keynote speaker will be David Salsburg, who wrote the book The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century. David has had an impressive career that includes academia, industry and writing books. He was the highest rated

More 1-page JMP guides now available

As data volumes continue to grow, analysts, business users and students must rely on increasingly sophisticated techniques to extract meaningful, actionable information from their data. JMP is proof that they won’t have to sacrifice ease of use for predictive power: With JMP, popular data mining and forecasting tools are accessible

Bradley Jones appointed as new editor of Journal of Quality Technology

Journal of Quality Technology has appointed Bradley Jones as its new editor starting next year. JQT is a journal published by ASQ that emphasizes applied techniques in industrial statistics, including experimental design, Brad’s specialty. Brad’s current role at SAS is Principal Research Fellow at JMP, where he develops software for

Strategic use of analytics to support enterprise goals

JMP wasn’t around when Anne Milley was taking quantitative analytics courses in college. “Back then, it was all programming,” explained Milley, an economics major. “The visuals were just hideous.” Today, as senior director of analytic strategy in JMP Product Marketing at SAS, Milley appreciates the value that robust and interactive

How to make practical sense of data (and win a book)

Kaiser Fung is a statistician with more than a decade of experience in applying statistical methods to unlocking the relationship between marketing and customer behaviors. He leads a team of statisticians at Sirius XM Radio responsible for gaining insight into customers and operational best practices. You may know him from

Job Posting: JMP Seeks a Midwest Systems Engineer

Are you a skilled JMP user looking for a job? If so, you may be interested in this message I just received from my colleague Pam Maher: "JMP is hiring! We need a Midwest Systems Engineer. Candidates can be based in Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati or Michigan, and we may also

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