Tag: Statistics

Highlights from my fifth Predictive Analytics World

Having been an early supporter of PAW, I am happy to see this conference flourish. It was a pleasure to see so many friends and colleagues who are such an enthusiastic and loyal part of this community of hands-on practitioners. Eric Siegel, Program Chair, kicked it off with the hot

Speeding up exploration with John Sall

Well, Wall Street cares so much about making fast decisions that it is laying dedicated high-speed lines so that the data for program trades can be processed faster and orders executed more quickly. If Wall Street can do all this in milliseconds, won’t it make a difference to you to

Finding a good regression model with JMP

Systems engineer Jami Hampton opened the autumn 2011 series of live Mastering JMP webcasts to 600 JMP users who wanted to learn how to find a good multiple regression model using the JMP Fit Model platform. Jami's PowerPoint presentation and videos of her demo are available. Jami used data and

A process for statistical discovery with JMP

When working with users new to JMP, I find it helpful to have a simple process to guide statistical discovery. We statisticians could debate the process of statistical discovery for a long time, but I find the process presented in Figure 1 works for most situations. Assuming we have already

JMP helped me decide between Netflix and Qwikster

The Internet is all abuzz, aflutter and atwitter lately about Netflix’s recent decisions to raise prices and split its well-known DVD-mail service off into a new service called Qwikster. I’m not immune to the hype, and since my last Netflix charge came in at over $25, I've been wondering if

New topics for Mastering JMP webcasts this autumn

The autumn lineup of live Mastering JMP webcasts is set. And if you are one of the 2,000+ JMP users who attended a live webcast during the first half of 2011, you'll notice some new topics: • Sept. 29: Finding the Best Predictive Model for Your Data • Oct. 6:

At the cutting edge of designed experiments

Beginning today, the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, UK, is hosting a workshop on recent advances in methods and applications of designed experiments. Naturally, JMP, which is so strong in design of experiments (DOE), is there -- represented by Bradley Jones, DOE expert and Principal Research Fellow

Complex probit estimation made simple

JMP offers a lot of sophisticated statistical analyses that are easy to use because of its well-designed user interfaces. Nonlinear estimation is not as easy to use because the incredible flexibility of that platform may challenge even a statistically savvy person. However, with JMP Scripting Language (JSL), it is easy

Meet discussion leader Gordon Linoff

Gordon Linoff has been a self-starter in many ways. To name a few, he, along with Michael Berry, founded Data Miners Inc. in 1998. Gordon was also one of the first experts who SAS looked to in the 1990s to start the ever-popular SAS Business Knowledge Series. He has consulted for a wide

Meet keynote speaker John Sall

John Sall, JMP's leader and a leader in the field of analytics, will deliver a keynote speech the first full day of Discovery Summit 2011 in Denver next month. Co-founder and Executive Vice President of SAS, John joins Jeff Ma, David Salsburg and Jonah Lehrer in the lineup of featured

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