Tag: Statistics

Visualization of fuel economy vs. performance

Consumers Union publishes a report called “Fuel economy vs. performance” in which the organization provides a table of data to “prove” that “You don't always have to give up engine performance in return for good fuel economy.” While I greatly appreciate having the raw data, a graphic visualization would go

Not a research scientist, but I get to play one on TV

D­esign of experiments (DOE) is potentially one of the most strategic weapons in your analytic arsenal.  DOE is core to learning faster from data and can be applied in many areas — not just traditional areas like manufacturing, but also in marketing, HR and a whole host of areas. As

The science of living a long, healthy life

People are living longer -- but why is this, and how can we remain healthy late in life? That was the focus of a recent CBS Sunday Morning story, which also showed JMP software in action in a research lab. Researchers have been studying some centenarians to figure out their

How can Bradley Wiggins win Tour de France?

For those who follow such things, professional cycling proves to be fascinating. And July is the best month of all, since it features the three-week long Tour de France, a wonderful extravaganza of athleticism, endurance and marketing hype. For the first time ever, pundits are touting a rider from Great

JMP add-in for medical diagnostic performance

A typical diagnostic test has two outcomes: positive or negative with the goal of classifying subjects correctly based on a “gold standard” or known outcome. These diagnostic tests have specific performance measures that are used to assess the clinical value of a test. Two basic measures for a diagnostic test

Observations from 1st Predictive Analytics World in Chicago

Analysts of all stripes attended Chicago’s first Predictive Analytics World (PAW), where JMP was a sponsor. We talked to attendees about design of experiments, Six Sigma, graphics and spatial analysis, data visualization and other topics in addition to predictive analytics. For me, the highlights of PAW were many: Matt Flynn

JMP Life Sciences at Joint Statistical Meetings 2012

With more than 6,000 attendees, the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) is the largest gathering of statisticians held in North America.  This year, the event takes place from July 28 to Aug. 2 in San Diego, California. Developers from JMP Life Sciences will be on hand at the JMP booth in

Reliability modeling: accurately predicting degradation

I was recently at ALT 2012, a conference on reliability, hosted by INSA Rennes in France where I studied physics. I greeted the conference organizer, who took a look at me and seemed puzzled. He had taught me a while back and remembered me only as a student. He struggled

Billy Beane on the business of baseball

He's "an athlete who wants to be an academic." He's "the dumbest guy in the office." And his own professional baseball career was characterized by "bad numbers," making him the "classic case of an overvalued asset." That's Billy Beane in his own words. Beane is general manager (and minority owner)

10 tips for making analytics converts out of your colleagues

From the Analytically Speaking panel discussion this morning -- a live webcast I watched with hundreds of other people -- I picked up a multitude of strategies for helping co-workers, managers and executives become comfortable with using analytics to inform decision-making. Here are 10 of my favorite tips from that discussion: Start

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